I'm not sure why anyone would want to visit that sunblasted hellhole anyway. Yeah, maybe wizened old golfers whose faces already resemble saddlebags have some use for the place, or maybe if you're from Mexico it's preferable to what's going on south of the Rio Grande, but if I were Mexican I'd KEEP GOING NORTH. Arizona, for those who haven't been paying attention, has just passed an anti-immigrant law that will essentially have police pulling over people they even suspect of being illegal immigrants and demanding that they show proof of citizenship. This "law" is an outrageous violation of civil rights. It's straight from the fascist playbook and is a disgrace to the nation. Arizona, with with that ass-clown of a sheriff Joe Arpaio, has officially replaced Alabama as the worst state in the nation and that's sayin' something, with all respect to Lynyrd Skynyrd. It's a place where political courage goes to die. “We are going to look like Alabama in the ’60s,” state representative Bill Konopnicki told the New York Times. Konopnicki voted for the bill even though he didn't like it because "everybody was afraid to vote no on immigration." Voting "no" wouldn't change anything, he said. Well, that's standing for principle, isn't it? Then there's John McCain, that sad, sad empty shell of a man. A couple of years ago, back when he was a "maverick" although he says today he was never a maverick although throughout the presidential campaign he couldn't stop referring to himself as a maverick, McCain voted for the immigration bill that would have provided a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. Today, facing a fierce primary challenge, he calls the Arizona law a "good tool." Clearly, this man knows from tools. The "maverick's" evolution to horse's ass is now complete.
I wish I knew exactly what is made in Arizona so I could boycott it. Like a lot of places in America these days, I don't think much gets made there at all. Aircraft parts? Golf balls? Tomatoes grown with irrigated water? They certainly seem to produce a lot of right-wing freaks. I guess I could boycott their tourism industry. Oh well, so much for seeing the Grand Canyon. Then again, if I want to stare at an empty void I can always call up a photo of John McCain.